Go tell your friends about it video meaning
Go tell your friends about it video meaning

I need more time to gather ammunition and/or think about what the fuck I’m still doing with you. Translation: I’m so furious with you that I can’t think straight.

go tell your friends about it video meaning

Translation: If you don’t you’re going to be single very soon. Translation: I’ll be ready when I’m ready. If you don’t, ask me for my goddamn number already. Translation: I’m interested, but I don’t want to waste any more energy on you if you’ve already got someone in your life. You should know enough about me by now to know if I’m okay with it. I’m not going to tell you if I think it’s okay or not to do this thing. Translation: This is a test of your judgment. This just means that the discussion is over. If you know a person who’s thinking of committing suicide, it’s difficult to find the right words to say. Suicide is one of those topics that are so hard to talk about. Okay, sharpen your knives, ladies, because here we go. There’s a quote that goes, Suicide does not end the chances of life getting worse suicide eliminates the possibility of it getting better. No, it’s more about when emotions are attached - during arguments, when one (or both) of you isn’t sure where you stand, etc. When it comes to straight-up exchanges of information, there’s usually very little gray area. There may have been times when you found a particular color alluring, in which case, the color meaning may be representing your mood in that moment. Now, this is not to say that men are stupid and/or women are manipulative. Your favorite color may also tell you what your color personality is, which is something that is utilized in the psychology of color, or the understanding about how a color can make you feel. Tell your friend everything you can remember about the entirety of the conversation and what you may have said (or didn’t say) that prompted the comment in question.

go tell your friends about it video meaning

Remember that it’s always important to supply context if you want an accurate interpretation. We’re expected to read between the lines.Ī good rule of thumb is to always have a couple of platonic female friends on hand to serve as certified interpreters on the occasions when questions arise. However, this can have disastrous long-term consequences. Often, we’ll just go by the words themselves, because it usually seems easier. Many relationship missteps men make have to do with not knowing when to take a statement or question from their significant others at face value, and when to dig around for a deeper meaning. Unlike men, every woman has her own particular way of communicating, so trying to establish blanket interpretations of the female subtext is an exercise in futility.

Go tell your friends about it video meaning